Eddie Taylor Jr
32-20 BluesStop Breaking Down 2015 via Wolf
Support for WYCE comes from The HoxeyVille Music Festival taking place August 14th, 15th, and 16th.
Set on 100+ acres in Wellston, Michigan surrounded by natural hardwoods, Hoxeyville Music Festival is celebrating their 12th anniversary this year. Performances by Greensky Bluegrass, The Hard Working Americans, Joshua Davis Trio and more. Tickets and more information available at h-o-x-e-y ville dot com
Tune in to WYCE for intimate in-studio interviews - and live performances - from local and touring musicians. We bring you up close to some of our favorite acts as they share brand new songs - often before they're even released - with stories and insights behind the music.
Then, check out "WYCE dot org" for an audio archive of recent in-studio performances. While you're there, browse our calendar of upcoming artist visits!
Support for WYCE comes from Frederick Meijer Gardens, presenting their Annual Tuesday Evening Music Club concert series.
These concerts occur throughout July and August and feature regional music luminaries in a acclaimed amphitheater setting.
On Tuesday Evening July 28-- Funk Group SkankaDank and Soul Powerhouse Vox Vidorra bring their music to the Gardens.
Find more information about this concert and others at meijer gardens dot o-r-g.