I'll Be Seeing YouJazz a Saint-Germain 1998 via Higher Octave
Nanette tries to make her show "the soundtrack to your life" (at least three hours of it) -- music expressing all sorts of moods, with folk/rock preferences.
Support for WYCE comes from San Chez presenting Grand Caroling events the first three Fridays in December this holiday season.
Girls Choral Academy with the Grand Rapids Women's Chorus performs on the steps of the Welsh Auditorium in Downtown Grand Rapids Tomorrow at 6pm.
Grand Carol'ing happens in front of the Welsh Auditorium the first three Fridays of December at 6pm.
Support for WYCE comes from San Chez presenting Grand Caroling events the first three Fridays in December this holiday season.
Girls Choral Academy with the Grand Rapids Women's Chorus performs on the steps of the Welsh Auditorium in Downtown Grand Rapids Tomorrow at 6pm.
Grand Carol'ing happens in front of the Welsh Auditorium the first three Fridays of December at 6pm.