Dick Oatts, Mats Holmquist
Cantaloupe IslandA Tribute to Herbie +1 2016 via Summit Records
Because I can't resist exploring the unfamiliar, you'll hear mostly new music of all genres on this show.
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WYCE's Spring Fund Drive is happening this year from April 15th through the 22nd.
That doesn't mean you can't act now.
All donations until April 15th will be entered into our matching funds to encourage giving during the fund drive.
You can make a huge difference.
Just visit WYCE dot O R G to support your local radio.
Matt Ulery, bass player for Eastern Blok will be performing this Sunday at Lafontsee Galleries with his band, Loom.
Support for WYCE comes from UICA.
UICA features gallery exhibitions of work from regional, national and international artists throughout the year and hosts a range of events including concerts, performance art, artist receptions and gallery talks.
Now screening, The Oscar Nominated film, Embrace of the Serpent which tells the story of the the encounter, apparent betrayal and finally life-affirming friendship between an Amazonian shaman (the last survivor of his people) and two foreign scientists.
Details at uica dot org.
Congratulations to Jim, who will be attending the Lone Bellow show at Calvin College this coming Wednesday!
Playing Shorts Brewing in Bellaire April 30
Support for WYCE comes from UICA.
UICA features gallery exhibitions of work from regional, national and international artists throughout the year and hosts a range of events including concerts, performance art, artist receptions and gallery talks.
Now screening, The Oscar Nominated film, Embrace of the Serpent which tells the story of the the encounter, apparent betrayal and finally life-affirming friendship between an Amazonian shaman (the last survivor of his people) and two foreign scientists.
Details at uica dot org.