Jerry Garcia & David Grisman
Friend of the DevilGrateful Dawg 2001 via Acoustic Disc
Support your Local Radio and become a Listener Sponsor of the best little radio station on the planet.
WYCE's Spring Fund Drive is happening this year from April 15th through the 22nd.
That doesn't mean you can't act now.
All donations until April 15th will be entered into our matching funds to encourage giving during the fund drive.
You can make a huge difference.
Just visit WYCE dot O R G to support your local radio.
Support for WYCE comes from Aquinas College, presenting the 20th Annual WEHG-E Speaker Series
with Canadian First Nations Crystal Lameman on Thursday April 21st
at the Aquinas College Performing Arts Center.
Lame-man's talk is titled "The Real Costs of Oil: The Case for Justice at the Ends of the Pipeline"
She will speak about the fight for justice on the front lines and the consequences of climate change for us all.
For information and registration visit Aquinas.edu/wegespeaker