May Erlewine
My Heart Belongs To YouThe Long Way Home 2012 via Earthwork
a note about this track
Salt Of The Earth Tonight, Fennville
Traditions! Is A Weekly Two-Hour Presentation Following Musical Streams Passed Down Through Generations; Pathways Linked By A Sincere Appreciation And Acknowledgement Of The Influential Styles That Continue Shaping The Landscape Of Roots Music: Early Influences - Pioneering Legends - Roots Revivalists - Indigenous Cultures. Thanks For Joining Us!
Salt Of The Earth Tonight, Fennville
With RJ Spangler
Composer: Freddy King
Fresh Into 'YCE
Undercover: The Beatles, 1968
Support for WYCE comes from The BOB, presenting Gran Fondo. Thursday May 5 from 7-9pm learn about the ways you can get involved as a volunteer to help Michigan State University College of Human Medicine fight skin cancer. There will be a buffet, live music from the B-Side Growlers and a release of Brewer John's Mango Chipotle Ale. More information available at t-h-e-b-o-b dot com
With The Buddy Morrow Orchestra - Georgia Gibbs, 1952
First Solo - Back On the Road This Summer With His Band The Dirty Kitchen
HomeGrown! From The 'YCE Blues Alley
Support for WYCE comes from The BOB, presenting Gran Fondo. Thursday May 5 from 7-9pm learn about the ways you can get involved as a volunteer to help Michigan State University College of Human Medicine fight skin cancer. There will be a buffet, live music from the B-Side Growlers and a release of Brewer John's Mango Chipotle Ale. More information available at t-h-e-b-o-b dot com