The Honeycutters
HallelujahOn The Ropes 2016 via Organic Records
JWo, for your listening pleasure, Tuesdays 3-6p & whenever; music for head, heart, & soul.
Support for WYCE comes from The BOB, presenting Gran Fondo. Thursday May 5 from 7-9pm learn about the ways you can get involved as a volunteer to help Michigan State University College of Human Medicine fight skin cancer. There will be a buffet, live music from the B-Side Growlers and a release of Brewer John's Mango Chipotle Ale. More information available at t-h-e-b-o-b dot com
Support for WYCE comes from The BOB, presenting Gran Fondo. Thursday May 5 from 7-9pm learn about the ways you can get involved as a volunteer to help Michigan State University College of Human Medicine fight skin cancer. There will be a buffet, live music from the B-Side Growlers and a release of Brewer John's Mango Chipotle Ale. More information available at t-h-e-b-o-b dot com
Support for WYCE comes from The BOB, presenting Gran Fondo. Thursday May 5 from 7-9pm learn about the ways you can get involved as a volunteer to help Michigan State University College of Human Medicine fight skin cancer. There will be a buffet, live music from the B-Side Growlers and a release of Brewer John's Mango Chipotle Ale. More information available at t-h-e-b-o-b dot com