Throttle Elevator Music
Boeseke TrailThrottle Elevator Music Iv 2016 via WIDE FIVE
Because I can't resist exploring the unfamiliar, you'll hear mostly new music of all genres on this show.
Tune in to WYCE for intimate in-studio interviews - and live performances - from local and touring musicians. We bring you up close to some of our favorite acts as they share brand new songs - often before they're even released - with stories and insights behind the music.
Then, check out "WYCE dot org" for an audio archive of recent in-studio performances. While you're there, browse our calendar of upcoming artist visits!
Support for WYCE comes from UICA.
The UICA Movie Theater shows independent, foreign, and documentary movies in downtown Grand Rapids Tuesday-Sunday year round.
Now screening, Lo and Behold -- Reveries of the Connected World, a documentary by filmmaker Werner Herzog that examines the past, present and future of the Internet and how it affects human interaction and modern society. Screening at UICA Aug 19th through August 31.
Go to u-i-c-a dot o-r-g for details.
It's almost time for the 9th annual WYCE CD & Record Sale! We are currently accepting donations of LPs, CDs and Cassettes for this fundraising event held at the Eastown Streetfair on Saturday, September 10th.
Your donations of music could be tax deductible and all proceeds of the sale will go on to support WYCE! Any donations of LPs, CDs and cassettes are encouraged, regardless of artist or genre, as long as they're in good shape and in their original case. Donations will be accepted through Thursday, September 8th.
Donations may be dropped off to the Community Media Center at 711 Bridge Street, Mondays through Fridays from 10am until 6pm. Thank you!
Support for WYCE comes from UICA.
The UICA Movie Theater shows independent, foreign, and documentary movies in downtown Grand Rapids Tuesday-Sunday year round.
Now screening, Lo and Behold -- Reveries of the Connected World, a documentary by filmmaker Werner Herzog that examines the past, present and future of the Internet and how it affects human interaction and modern society. Screening at UICA Aug 19th through August 31.
Go to u-i-c-a dot o-r-g for details.
Harlequins will be performing at The Pyramid Scheme on Sept. 1. Performing with them will be Suzies and Gringo Star. Congratulations to Mike! He will be attending the show on us!
It's almost time for the 9th annual WYCE CD & Record Sale! We are currently accepting donations of LPs, CDs and Cassettes for this fundraising event held at the Eastown Streetfair on Saturday, September 10th.
Your donations of music could be tax deductible and all proceeds of the sale will go on to support WYCE! Any donations of LPs, CDs and cassettes are encouraged, regardless of artist or genre, as long as they're in good shape and in their original case. Donations will be accepted through Thursday, September 8th.
Donations may be dropped off to the Community Media Center at 711 Bridge Street, Mondays through Fridays from 10am until 6pm. Thank you!