Luke Winslow-King
Watch Me GoIm Glad Trouble Dont Last Always 2016 via Bloodshot
Thank you Jim!
Thank you Jim!
Thank you Max!
Join us this Thursday at noon for our next episode of GR Live! We'll be broadcasting live from HOME at The BOB in downtown Grand Rapids.
This week, host Quinn Mathews presents performances by "Plain Jane Glory", "Emma Loo", and "Nikki's Wives".
Those who are part of the live audience can enjoy a Bobarino's pizza buffet and beverages from BOB's Brewery! If you can't make it, tune in to hear the show from noon to 1pm right here on WYCE!
GR Live is made possible by Experience Grand Rapids, Downtown Grand Rapids, INC. and Founders Brewing - more information and schedule at "GR Live Radio dot com"
Thank you Ben!!
WYCE and the Gilmore Collection and Denison Financial are pleased to present the 17th annual WYCE Bubble Bash - a holiday celebration featuring sparkling wines from around the world.
Our friends at The BOB host this great party as a fundraiser for WYCE every year. A donation of $25 lets you sample 14 varieties of sparkling wines, plus a fabulous spread of ORR DERVES to accompany the bubbly. The event also features chances to win prizes like WYCE swag, concert tickets, and other cool stuff. So bring your friends, family or business clients out for some pre-Christmas cheer, while supporting community radio!
The Bubble Bash - Thursday, December 22nd at 5:00pm at H.O.M.E. inside the BOB. No advance tickets are available, cash or check to WYCE is payable at the door. This event is made possible by The Gilmore Collection and Denison Financial.
Thank you Tim!
Thank you Red Bone!!