The Head and The Heart
Signs of LightSigns of Light 2016 via Parlophone
Check out "WYCE dot org" to stay in tune with Grand Rapids area concerts.
Our online concerts and events calendar lets you know the best local spots to hear live music by WYCE-approved musicians.
Please send concert listings to calendars@wyce.org
Concert Calendar is a free service of Grand Rapids Community Media Center.
WYCE presents Tuesday Evening Music Club - every Tuesday at 7pm throughout the Summer at Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park.
This Tuesday, July 11th, experience the modern soul and pop rock of Miss Atomic with Grand Rapids alt-rock band The Zannies ("ZAN-knees", not "ZAY-knees")
More information on the 2017 lineup is at Meijer Gardens.org -- m-e-i-j-e-r gardens dot o-r-g