Thomas Marriott
Human SpiritHuman Spirit 2011 via Origin Records
Mystery and Art, Music and Wonder, Creativity and Inspiration all facets of who we are and what helps to alleviate our fears and calm our minds.
The more mindful we become of how we can achieve these places of refreshing and restoration, the more we are able to connect to each other and hear beyond the static which can disrupt communication with each other.
re:IMAGINE invites you to listen closer to the music inside and out. To re:DISCOVER how much we share as people. To re:CONNECT who we are with how we live.
Tune in to WYCE for intimate in-studio interviews - and live performances - from local and touring musicians. We bring you up close to some of our favorite acts as they share brand new songs - often before they're even released - with stories and insights behind the music.
Then, check out "WYCE dot org" for an audio archive of recent in-studio performances. While you're there, browse our calendar of upcoming artist visits!
WYCE presents Tuesday Evening Music Club - every Tuesday at 7pm throughout the Summer at Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park.
This Tuesday, July 11th, experience the modern soul and pop rock of Miss Atomic with Grand Rapids alt-rock band The Zannies ("ZAN-knees", not "ZAY-knees")
More information on the 2017 lineup is at Meijer Gardens.org -- m-e-i-j-e-r gardens dot o-r-g