Brenda Navarrete
Anana OyéMi Mundo 2018 via Universal
High energy mix of the styles I've loved all of my life and the many new things I've been exposed to since I first discovered WYCE.
The World Affairs Council of Western Michigan presents "Great Decisions 2018", an eight-week series on international relations and foreign policy.
TODAY, hear Dr. Bahd-rin-ath Rah-o of Kettering University on "China in the World: The Challenges of a Socialist Market Economy," offered twice: from noon to 1 p.m. in the Recital Hall of the Covenant Fine Arts Center at Calvin College, and from 6 to 7:15 p.m. in the Aquinas College Performing Arts Center.
No reservations necessary. For more on the series and the speakers, see "world Michigan dot org slash great decisions 2018" or call 616 776 1721.
This Wednesday, February 7th, - For One Night Only - it's Open Projector Night at UICA!
The popular short film festival showcases movies made right here in Michigan by emerging and established filmmakers. Enjoy a diverse range of short-films - from animated movies and commercial work - to experimental pieces.
After the event, meet the filmmakers and vote for your favorite short film.
Showtime is 8pm. Tickets to the event are available at the door.
Arrive early! This event sells out quickly.
Learn more at "U-I-C-A dot org"