Fleet Foxes
Third of May _ OdaigaharaCrack-Up 2017 via NONESUCH
WYCE's Spring Fund Drive is almost here! We'll be raising funds to power WYCE - April 20th through 27th!
- Or - Donate online today at "WYCE dot org slash donate" - All money we collect before fund drive will be used as challenge funds to inspire new listeners to pony up during our Spring Drive
Then tune in to cheer on community radio, April 20th through 27th!
Today's Business Day Sponsors are long-time WYCE supporters Ron and Jeannine Lemmon of Patriot Realty.
Patriot Realty is a locally-owned real estate firm representing buyers and sellers throughout West Michigan.
Information about the local real estate market and the path to home ownership is available by contacting Patriot Realty at 616 956-7676 or online at "info at patriot dash realty dot net"
The World Affairs Council of Western Michigan presents "Great Decisions 2018", an eight-week series on international relations and foreign policy.
This Monday, March 19th, hear Des-ir-ray Corm-ee-ay, senior director at the Albright Stonebridge Group, on "South Africa at a Crossroads: Implications for U.S.-South Africa Relations." The program is offered twice: from 12 noon to 1 p.m. in the Recital Hall of the Covenant Fine Arts Center at Calvin College, and from 6 to 7:15 p.m. in the Aquinas College Performing Arts Center.
No reservations necessary. For more on the series and the speakers, see "World Michigan dot org slash great decisions 2018" or call 616 776 1721.
Today's Business Day Sponsors are long-time WYCE supporters Ron and Jeannine Lemmon of Patriot Realty.
Patriot Realty is a locally-owned real estate firm representing buyers and sellers throughout West Michigan.
Information about the local real estate market and the path to home ownership is available by contacting Patriot Realty at 616 956-7676 or online at "info at patriot dash realty dot net"