Jon Stickley Trio
PamlicoLost at Last 2015 via Independent
Performing at The Intersection March 17 with Desmond Jones
In Kalamazoo May 11
The World Affairs Council of Western Michigan presents "Great Decisions 2018", an eight-week series on international relations and foreign policy.
This Monday, March 19th, hear Des-ir-ray Corm-ee-ay, senior director at the Albright Stonebridge Group, on "South Africa at a Crossroads: Implications for U.S.-South Africa Relations." The program is offered twice: from 12 noon to 1 p.m. in the Recital Hall of the Covenant Fine Arts Center at Calvin College, and from 6 to 7:15 p.m. in the Aquinas College Performing Arts Center.
No reservations necessary. For more on the series and the speakers, see "World Michigan dot org slash great decisions 2018" or call 616 776 1721.
Tune in to WYCE for intimate in-studio interviews - and live performances - from local and touring musicians. We bring you up close to some of our favorite acts as they share brand new songs - often before they're even released - with stories and insights behind the music.
Then, check out "WYCE dot org" for an audio archive of recent in-studio performances. While you're there, browse our calendar of upcoming artist visits!
Support for WYCE comes from Harmony Hall, located at 401 Stocking Avenue NorthWest.
This weekend, Harmony hosts a special Friday night St. Patrick's Day party with On Dro at 8pm!
Then Saturday at 3pm, it's a live performance by KJ & The Good Time Family Band.
Concert lineup, menu, and tap list at "Harmony Beer dot com"