Jenny Lewis
Just One Of The GuysThe Voyager 2014 via Warner
JWo, for your listening pleasure, Tuesdays 3-6p & whenever; music for head, heart, & soul.
CD release @ Founders Tomorrow! Also doing Johnny Cash's Live from Folsom Prison for Pyramid Scheme's 1968 Tribute 6/8!
LSD Tour: Detroit FRI 8/17
LSD Tour: Detroit FRI 8/17
LSD Tour: Detroit FRI 8/17
Vibrations Radio
Sundays 9-10pm EST
@ Hope College SAT 4/14
just announced as a headliner for Wheatland '18!
WYCE's Spring Fund Drive is almost here! We'll be raising funds to power WYCE - April 20th through 27th!
- Or - Donate online today at "WYCE dot org slash donate" - All money we collect before fund drive will be used as challenge funds to inspire new listeners to give generously during our Spring Drive.
Then tune in to cheer on community radio, April 20th through 27th!
Support for WYCE comes from Harmony Hall, located at 401 Stocking Avenue NorthWest.
Harmony Hall presents live music every Thursday and Saturday at 8pm. All ages are welcome!
Tomorrow night, Harmony welcomes Delilah DeWylde & The Lost Boys; then this Saturday, Dacia Bridges Project takes the stage.
Concert lineup, menu, and tap list at "Harmony Beer dot com"