Perfume Genius
QueenToo Bright 2014 via Matador
for Taylor Jean
At Pyramid Scheme 5/26 w/ Suzies, Blanca Luz and reggie
WYCE's Artist of the Day
WYCE's Artist of the Day
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc, in partnership with the City of Grand Rapids and MSU Federal Credit Union, present Relax at Rosa, a lunchtime entertainment series featuring local bands, a variety of food trucks and fun oversized games in Rosa Parks Circle.
More information on the series can be found at "downtown GR dot org"
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc, in partnership with the City of Grand Rapids and MSU Federal Credit Union, present Relax at Rosa, a lunchtime entertainment series featuring local bands, a variety of food trucks and fun oversized games in Rosa Parks Circle.
More information on the series can be found at "downtown GR dot org"
Charles Bradley // Menahan Street Band
due 6/1 on Barsuk