Holy Ghost!
Heaven Knows WhatWork 2019 via West End
Quick new donor shout out to LaQuanta Keys - who took the leap from Listener - to Listener Sponsor during our last drive!
Due Sept. 13
Due Oct. 25
Due Sept. 13
Do you dig music? Like- REALLY dig it?
Due Aug. 30
Wilco’s 11th studio album – will be released Oct. 4, 2019 via dBpm Records.
Support for WYCE comes from UICA.
WYCE invites you to tune in weekly for "GR Live," presented by DGRI...Downtown Grand Rapids, Inc., Thursdays at Noon here on WYCE and live on wyce dot org..
Hosted by Quinn Mathews, GR Live features live music from groups playing in the area and interviews with people in our regional music and arts community.
You can listen to GR Live on 88.1 FM WYCE, WYCE dot org, our WYCE Smartphone App, or your smart speaker.
Due Aug. 16