Hannah Rose & The GravesTones
Whiskey NeatAwake In A Dream 2017 via Independent
JWo, for your listening pleasure, Tuesdays 3-6p & whenever; music for head, heart, & soul.
Local Spins on WYCE is a 1-hour exploration of the best music from the Grand Rapids area and West Michigan. The program often debuts new songs by seasoned artists as well as emerging acts who merit attention and broader exposure.
The show is hosted by John "SINK-uh-vitch" from LocalSpins.com, the website covering West Michigan's music scene. Each week, John invites local artists into the studio for live music and conversation.
Tune in for "Local Spins on WYCE" every Friday at 11am. And browse every archived episode online at WYCE dot org
WYCE's remote broadcast radio show GR Live took a break for the month of September - in preparation for the launch in a new location:
Beginning tomorrow at 12PM, GR Live will broadcast from The Listening Room in Studio Park - an intimate 200 seat venue with full service dining
The relaunched broadcast will feature live performances from Carrie McFerrin and Aramis 6-1-6
Studio Park is located at 123 Ottawa Ave in Downtown Grand Rapids
2/5 @ Intersection Pres by WYCE
11/6 @ Calvin CFA
11/8 & 9 @ Listening Room (Movie shown before show)
10/25 @ Park Theatre (Holland-Hope)
Sister Nancy