Luke LaLonde
Go SomewhereThe Perpetual Optimist 2019 via Paper Bag
Playing Founders with Mladik Saturday 1/11
West Michigan's Biggest Night of Music returns this Valentines Day! It's the 21st Annual WYCE Jammie Awards - Friday, February 14th at The Intersection!
Jammies 21 features over 20 Michigan bands on 3 stages with award presentations for Best Album of 2019, Best Album by a New Artist, Song of the Year, the Listener Choice Awards, and much more.
All Ages are welcome, Doors open at 5:30pm. Jammies is FREE with a $10 suggested donation at the door.
Information and public voting for Jammies 21 can be found on our website - WYCE.ORG
Jammies 21 is made possible with support from Treadstone Funding, Patriot Realty, On-Stage Services, Aria Stage & Sound Technology, Culinary Cultivations, GRTV, Third Coast Recording Company, Great Lakes Music Camp, and Section Live.
The 21st Annual Jammies - Friday February 14th at The Intersection!
WYCE and Section live present Trampled By Turtles live in the Intersection Sunday January 26th at 7PM
Playing Winter Wheat Saturday Jan 11th at the Intersection with Front Country, Cabildo, Roosevelt Diggs, and more.
West Michigan's Biggest Night of Music returns this Valentines Day! It's the 21st Annual WYCE Jammie Awards - Friday, February 14th at The Intersection!
Jammies 21 features over 20 Michigan bands on 3 stages with award presentations for Best Album of 2019, Best Album by a New Artist, Song of the Year, the Listener Choice Awards, and much more.
All Ages are welcome, Doors open at 5:30pm. Jammies is FREE with a $10 suggested donation at the door.
Information and public voting for Jammies 21 can be found on our website - WYCE.ORG
Jammies 21 is made possible with support from Treadstone Funding, Patriot Realty, On-Stage Services, Aria Stage & Sound Technology, Culinary Cultivations, GRTV, Third Coast Recording Company, Great Lakes Music Camp, and Section Live.
The 21st Annual Jammies - Friday February 14th at The Intersection!
Epcya will be playing with Kiss Kiss Bang at the Iron Well over at 741 Leonard NW Fri 1/10
Playing Rockford Brewing Saturday 1/11 and Jammies 2/14
Playing Pyramid Scheme this Friday as part of the Michigan House SXSW kick off party!
Nominated and playing the Jammies on 2/14