Jim White
Buzzards Of LoveDrill a Hole In That Substrate and Tell Me What You See 2004 via V2
a note about this track
Mayor Bliss has proclaimed today to be WYCE Day! See you at the Jammies tonight!
Because I can't resist exploring the unfamiliar, you'll hear mostly new music of all genres on this show.
Mayor Bliss has proclaimed today to be WYCE Day! See you at the Jammies tonight!
Support today on WYCE comes from DeVos Performance Hall
Congratulations to Bruce, who won a pair of tickets to see Raul Midon at St Cecilia Music Center on Thursday February 27. Have fun at the show, Bruce!
Support for WYCE Comes from St. Cecilia Music Center:
St. Cecilia Music Center presents Grammy-nominated American singer-songwriter and guitarist Raul Midón on Thursday, February 27th.
Raul Midón has released 10 studio albums as a solo artist and collaborated with Herbie Hancock, Stevie Wonder and Bill Withers.
Tickets are available online at scmc-online dot org
Raul Midón - Thursday February 27th at St. Cecilia Music Center!
Support today on WYCE comes from Altenergy Inc., providing residential and commercial solar power installations in the Grand Rapids area.
Congratulations to Myron, who won a pair of tickets to the Jason Isbell and The 400 Unit at Devos Performance Hall here in GR on June 23. Have fun at the show, Myron!
Support today on WYCE comes from DeVos Performance Hall
Support today on WYCE comes from Altenergy Inc., providing residential and commercial solar power installations in the Grand Rapids area.
Jammie nominated and performing tonight at the WYCE Jammies
Support today on WYCE comes from DeVos Performance Hall