Fight Am FinishFu Chronicles 2020 via Daptone
JWo, for your listening pleasure, Tuesdays 3-6p & whenever; music for head, heart, & soul.
Are you a Michigan musician or know of a few talented artists?
The Sandwitches
You may have noticed that WYCE sounds different than every other radio station on the dial. That's because we are non-commercial radio "by the people, for the people."
Regular community members just like you volunteer their time to play an eclectic blend of underrepresented artists that you won't hear anywhere on commercial radio.
You listen because you love music exploration, but we can't do this without your support.
Help keep community radio alive and thriving by making your contribution online today at WYCE dot org
Not near a radio? That's not a problem anymore.
In addition to our 24/7 live stream at WYCE dot org and our FREE Smartphone app, you can also listen to WYCE at home on your favorite smart speaker.
Simply tell your Amazon or Google smart speaker to "Play WYCE" ,-- and A World of Music will begin playing for you!
No matter where you are, you now have several ways to enjoy your favorite programmers, and a world of music on WYCE!
Thanks to your support, WYCE is available in more places than ever before!
You can tune in at 88.1fm in West Michigan, at WYCE.org on the world wide web, or even stream us through your smart speaker at home.
Keep West Michigan's community radio station on the cutting edge of modern technology by heading to WYCE.org and making your contribution today.
Thank you for supporting WYCE and the Grand Rapids Community Media Center!
w/ Steve Earle
w/ Tom Waits