People Talk Too MuchThe True Story Of Bananagun 2020 via Full Time Hobby
JWo, for your listening pleasure, Tuesdays 3-6p & whenever; music for head, heart, & soul.
Today's Business Day Sponsors are long-time WYCE supporters Ron and Jeannine Lemmon of Patriot Realty
Located at 2176 Wealthy Street SE, Patriot Realty is a locally-owned real estate firm representing buyers, sellers, and investors throughout West Michigan since 2003.
More information about the path to home ownership and trends in the local real estate market is available at info @ patriot hyphen realty dot net
Today's Business Day Sponsors are long-time WYCE supporters Ron and Jeannine Lemmon of Patriot Realty
Located at 2176 Wealthy Street SE, Patriot Realty is a locally-owned real estate firm representing buyers, sellers, and investors throughout West Michigan since 2003.
More information about the path to home ownership and trends in the local real estate market is available at info @ patriot hyphen realty dot net
The Staple Singers
Zoe Boekbinder
Billie Holiday
Today's Business Day Sponsors are long-time WYCE supporters Ron and Jeannine Lemmon of Patriot Realty
Located at 2176 Wealthy Street SE, Patriot Realty is a locally-owned real estate firm representing buyers, sellers, and investors throughout West Michigan since 2003.
More information about the path to home ownership and trends in the local real estate market is available at info @ patriot hyphen realty dot net