Miles Davis
Seven Steps To HeavenCool & Collected 2006 via Sony
Support for WYCE comes from The World Affairs Council.
The World Affairs Council of Western Michigan presents an eight-week series on international relations and foreign policy titled "Great Decisions." streaming on the Council's YouTube channel.
On Monday, February 22nd from 6 to 7:15 p.m it's Tomas [TOE-mahs] Baert, head of trade and agriculture for the E.U. delegation to the U.S. on "The European Union: The New Agenda Post-Brexit,"
Instructions on registering and more info on the series is available at World Michigan dot org slash great decisions 2021 or by phone at 616.481.9569.
Support for WYCE comes from St. Cecilia Music Center, home to the Acoustic Cafe Folk Series in Grand Rapids.
Due to COVID 19 St. Cecilia Music Center has moved from live shows to virtual offerings.
Coming up this Thursday at 7pm online it's a performance featuring music from jazz bassists Christian McBride and Edgar Meyer.
More information on shows and tickets to live streaming performances are available at S C M C - online dot org
Support for WYCE comes from The World Affairs Council.
The World Affairs Council of Western Michigan presents an eight-week series on international relations and foreign policy titled "Great Decisions." streaming on the Council's YouTube channel.
On Monday, February 22nd from 6 to 7:15 p.m it's Tomas [TOE-mahs] Baert, head of trade and agriculture for the E.U. delegation to the U.S. on "The European Union: The New Agenda Post-Brexit,"
Instructions on registering and more info on the series is available at World Michigan dot org slash great decisions 2021 or by phone at 616.481.9569.
Support for WYCE comes from The World Affairs Council.
The World Affairs Council of Western Michigan presents an eight-week series on international relations and foreign policy titled "Great Decisions." streaming on the Council's YouTube channel.
On Monday, February 22nd from 6 to 7:15 p.m it's Tomas [TOE-mahs] Baert, head of trade and agriculture for the E.U. delegation to the U.S. on "The European Union: The New Agenda Post-Brexit,"
Instructions on registering and more info on the series is available at World Michigan dot org slash great decisions 2021 or by phone at 616.481.9569.