Against Me!
True Trans Soul RebelTransgender Dysphoria Blues 2014 via Red Distribution
JWo, for your listening pleasure, Tuesdays 3-6p & whenever; music for head, heart, & soul.
w/ The Cramps
Support today on WYCE comes from AltEnergy Inc., providing residential and commercial solar power installations in the Grand Rapids area.
Grammy Winner!
David Byrne & Fatboy Slim, Allison Moorer
w/ Amanda Shires
Jubilee out June 4
Kalu James born in Nigeria and immigrated to Austin to give us this smooth yet rocking psy-soul-blues.
WYCE @ Wealthy Theatre is back!
Community Media Center's virtual concert series is live from Wealthy Theatre, programmed by WYCE, streamed online, and on GRTV..
Coming up on Sunday April 11th at 6pm it's Major Murphy's "Access" Album Release Show!
More information is available at wyce dot org
WYCE at Wealthy Theatre featuring Major Murphy on Sunday, April 11th at 6pm, sponsored by Vertigo Music!
w/ G Love
Sunny War & Chris Pierce
Steve Earle's sister. This album is on AMC's Top Picks list.
Support today on WYCE comes from AltEnergy Inc., providing residential and commercial solar power installations in the Grand Rapids area.