David Lindley & Wally Ingram
Do You Want My JobTwango Bango Deluxe 1998 via EMI Records
a note about this track
David Lindley can play anything with strings; if it makes a sound when you hit it, Wally Ingram can make music with it.
Anything funky, greazy, groovy, or stanky. Also anything that's sweet, smooth, soars, or soothes. And everything else that twangs, buzzes, swings or moves. Bring your buzz, or not- but this is a show for those who listen deep into the music.
David Lindley can play anything with strings; if it makes a sound when you hit it, Wally Ingram can make music with it.
Recorded in Chicago, June 1958.
feat. Catherine Russell, vox
Tasty playing on the part of the rhythm section, as well as Mr. Hirakawa.
feat. Lurdez da Luz