G. Love & Special Sauce
This Ain't LivingG. Love & Special Sauce 1994 via Sony
I like it funky and groovy, I like it soft and melancholy, and I like everything in between. No matter what, I'll always try to have a little something for everyone.
Support for WYCE comes from St. Cecilia Music Center.
Coming up on Saturday February 26th at St. Cecilia Music Center its Winterfest with Christian McBride!
With a career now into its third decade, Six-time Grammy-winning jazz bassist Christian McBride joins his acoustic swing quintet Inside Straight for an evening performance.
Tickets are available at www.scmc-online.org
SCMC will require proof of fully-vaccinated status, or a negative COVID test taken within 48 hours, to attend a concert at the venue.
Winterfest with Christian McBride and Inside Straight live at St Cecilia Music Center on Saturday February 26th!
WYCE and Section live present RIPE, Joe Hertler & The Rainbow Seekers, and Desmond Jones at The Intersection on Saturday, February 26th!
Boston natives RIPE are seven "musical soulmates" who refuse to believe in a single definition of dance music - exploring the realms of funk, pop, R&B, and rock. The show will kick off with Michigan artists Joe Hertler & The Rainbow Seekers and Desmond Jones.
Tickets available now at section live dot com.
WYCE Presents RIPE, Joe Hertler & The Rainbow Seekers, and Desmond Jones on Saturday, February 26th at The Intersection!
Play Concert Calendar
Support for WYCE comes from St. Cecilia Music Center.
Coming up on Saturday February 26th at St. Cecilia Music Center its Winterfest with Christian McBride!
With a career now into its third decade, Six-time Grammy-winning jazz bassist Christian McBride joins his acoustic swing quintet Inside Straight for an evening performance.
Tickets are available at www.scmc-online.org
SCMC will require proof of fully-vaccinated status, or a negative COVID test taken within 48 hours, to attend a concert at the venue.
Winterfest with Christian McBride and Inside Straight live at St Cecilia Music Center on Saturday February 26th!