The Walls Came Tumbling Down (Hiram Bullock & Joe Bonamassa)Les Paul and Friends- Tribute to a Legend 2008 via Immergent
Morning Music not Mourning Music... something to help get the engines started.
Play Concert Calendar
Support for WYCE comes from The World Affairs Council.
The World Affairs Council of Western Michigan presents an eight-week series on international relations and foreign policy titled "Great Decisions."
Taking place on Monday, February 28 and starting at 6pm - it's Fiona Hill, former senior director of the National Security Council on "Russia and the U.S."
This event takes place in person at Spectrum Theatre on the GRCC campus at 160 Fountain St NE or virtually on the World Michigan Youtube Channel.
Instructions on registering and more info on the series is available at World Michigan dot org slash great decisions 22 or by phone at 616.481.9569.
WYCE and Section live present RIPE, Joe Hertler & The Rainbow Seekers, and Desmond Jones at The Intersection on Saturday, February 26th!
Boston natives RIPE are seven "musical soulmates" who refuse to believe in a single definition of dance music - exploring the realms of funk, pop, R&B, and rock. The show will kick off with Michigan artists Joe Hertler & The Rainbow Seekers and Desmond Jones.
Tickets available now at section live dot com.
WYCE Presents RIPE, Joe Hertler & The Rainbow Seekers, and Desmond Jones on Saturday, February 26th at The Intersection!
Support for WYCE comes from The World Affairs Council.
The World Affairs Council of Western Michigan presents an eight-week series on international relations and foreign policy titled "Great Decisions."
Taking place on Monday, February 28 and starting at 6pm - it's Fiona Hill, former senior director of the National Security Council on "Russia and the U.S."
This event takes place in person at Spectrum Theatre on the GRCC campus at 160 Fountain St NE or virtually on the World Michigan Youtube Channel.
Instructions on registering and more info on the series is available at World Michigan dot org slash great decisions 22 or by phone at 616.481.9569.