Sean Rowe
Squid TattooThe Darkness Dressed in Colored Lights 2021 via Fluff & Gravy
JWo, for your listening pleasure, Tuesdays 3-6p & whenever; music for head, heart, & soul.
We are your non-commercial, non-profit, volunteer powered radio station in West Michigan and rely on listener support to keep the music flowing.
Support for WYCE comes from AudioTree Presents, booking concerts in independent venues across Michigan.
Coming up on Wednesday, April 6th, WYCE and AudioTree Presents Low at The Pyramid Scheme in Grand Rapids.
Doors are at 7:00pm. Tickets and more details can be found at audiotree presents dot com.
WYCE Presenting Low at The Pyramid Scheme on Wednesday, April 6th!
Support today on WYCE comes from Kalamazoo State Theatre presenting Watchhouse!
Andrew Marlin and Emily Frantz of Watchhouse - the critically acclaimed roots music duo who until recently were known as Mandolin Orange -are coming to the Kalamazoo State Theatre on Saturday, April 2nd!
Considered by critics to be the new flagbearers of the contemporary folk world, Watchhouse is a link between their longtime success as Mandolin Orange and the future.
Watchhouse - at the Kalamazoo State Theatre on Saturday, April 2nd! Tickets on sale now at kazoostate dot com. The Kalamazoo State Theatre...West Michigan's home with the stars!
We are your non-commercial, non-profit, volunteer powered radio station in West Michigan and rely on listener support to keep the music flowing.
Support today on WYCE comes from Kalamazoo State Theatre presenting Watchhouse!
Andrew Marlin and Emily Frantz of Watchhouse - the critically acclaimed roots music duo who until recently were known as Mandolin Orange -are coming to the Kalamazoo State Theatre on Saturday, April 2nd!
Considered by critics to be the new flagbearers of the contemporary folk world, Watchhouse is a link between their longtime success as Mandolin Orange and the future.
Watchhouse - at the Kalamazoo State Theatre on Saturday, April 2nd! Tickets on sale now at kazoostate dot com. The Kalamazoo State Theatre...West Michigan's home with the stars!
Betty Everett
Friday 4/1 @ 20 Monroe
We are your non-commercial, non-profit, volunteer powered radio station in West Michigan and rely on listener support to keep the music flowing.