Ibibio Sound Machine
Afo Ken Doko MienElectricity 2022 via Merge
A rockin', stompin' tour through the blues, rock and edgy folk with world beat and jazz accents. No room for the esoteric here.
Not near a radio? That's not a problem anymore.
In addition to our 24/7 live stream at WYCE dot org and our FREE Smartphone app, you can also listen to WYCE at home on your favorite smart speaker.
Simply tell your Amazon or Google smart speaker to "Play WYCE" ,-- and A World of Music will begin playing for you!
No matter where you are, you now have several ways to enjoy your favorite programmers, and a world of music on WYCE!
Every summer, GRTV broadcasts the Festival of the Arts live from downtown Grand Rapids, How do we do this? With your help!
June 3rd, 4th, and 5th GRTV needs volunteers for our main stage team and street team. Our mainstage volunteer team will run and direct cameras, audio, and video graphics during Festival's various performances while our volunteer street team conducts interviews with attendees, performers, and vendors to explore all that Festival has to offer.
This opportunity is open to the entire community, ages 13 and older, with no prior experience necessary.
Staff will be available to offer support and training during your shift.
More information can be found at GRCMC dot org slash GRTV slash festival
Mark your calendars for the return of the Jammies happening Saturday, June 25th at The Intersection with a pre-party on the Listening Lawn at Studio Park. This is an all-ages event.
WYCE's 22nd Jammies - June 25th at The Intersection! We can't wait to dance and sing with you again!
Support for WYCE comes from AudioTree Presents, booking concerts in independent venues across Michigan.
Coming up on Saturday, June 18th, WYCE and AudioTree Presents Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors at Bell's Beer Garden.
Doors are at 7:00pm, music starts at 8. Tickets and more details can be found at audiotree presents dot com
WYCE Presenting Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors at Bell's Beer Garden on Saturday, June 18th!
Mark your calendars for the return of the Jammies happening Saturday, June 25th at The Intersection with a pre-party on the Listening Lawn at Studio Park. This is an all-ages event.
WYCE's 22nd Jammies - June 25th at The Intersection! We can't wait to dance and sing with you again!