Afro Celt Sound System
House Of The AncestorsVolume 1- Sound Magic 1996 via Real World
The "Red-Eye Express" Hauls Obscure Album Tracks; with an Occasional Theme De-Railed. The Snap, Crackle, Pop is Courtesy of the Boxcar's Victrola. All Aboard!!
Big Mama
Support for WYCE comes from the first annual Blues at the Ballpark Festival hosted by the West Michigan Blues Society and the Fans of Valley Field organization.
Blues at the Ballpark Festival will take place Saturday June 24th at Valley Field, located at 650 Valley Ave in Grand Rapids. Featuring music from five different local and regional blues bands. Tickets and more information at fansofvalleyfield.org.
WYCE's Specialty programming on Friday includes Acoustic Cafe from 9-11 am and Local Spins from 11 am until Noon.
If you can't catch the shows on Friday, you can now listen to a replay on the weekend.
On Sunday, it's Acoustic Cafe from 3-5 pm and Local Spins from 5-6 right here on a World of Music, 88.1 FM WYCE, on our app, and streaming online at WYCE dot org.
Billy Bragg
Support for WYCE comes from The Rapidian, a program of the Grand Rapids Community Media Center.
The Rapidian, a hyperlocal, citizen journalism platform powered by the people of Grand Rapids, is presenting a screening of Wes Anderson's film, "The French Dispatch" on Tuesday, May 30 at The Wealthy Theatre.
At 7pm, prior to the screening, members of the public will have the opportunity to connect with Rapidian leaders to learn how to get involved as a writer, reader, and supporter of The Rapidian's new "Documenters" citizen journalism program.
Tickets and more details on the screening of the "The French Dispatch" are available at www dot GRCMC dot org forward slash theatre. (*NOTE: theatre spelled t-h-e-a-t-r-e)
A Maze & Grace