GoatfuzzRequiem 2016 via Sub Pop
JWo, for your listening pleasure, Tuesdays 3-6p & whenever; music for head, heart, & soul.
Play Concert Calendar
Support for 88.1FM WYCE comes from Bell's Beer in downtown Kalamazoo.
Support for WYCE comes from Mercantile Bank.
At Mercantile Bank, supporting the communities they serve is a vital part of who they are.
Their team is focused on making a positive impact because when community and banking meet, Merc is here.
More information is at mercbank.com.
Playing Midtown GR THRS 10/12!
Support for WYCE comes from Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University.
Kendall College is offering a day of creative guidance and exploration for high school students, parents, and transfer students at their National Portfolio Day on Sunday October 22.
More information on National Portfolio Day is at K-C-A-D dot E-D-U SLASH N-P-D.
Grace Potter
Support for 88.1FM WYCE comes from Bell's Beer in downtown Kalamazoo.
Support for WYCE comes from Mercantile Bank.
At Mercantile Bank, supporting the communities they serve is a vital part of who they are.
Their team is focused on making a positive impact because when community and banking meet, Merc is here.
More information is at mercbank.com.
New Release: Relentless
Support for WYCE comes from Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University.
Kendall College is offering a day of creative guidance and exploration for high school students, parents, and transfer students at their National Portfolio Day on Sunday October 22.
More information on National Portfolio Day is at K-C-A-D dot E-D-U SLASH N-P-D.
MI MUSIC! Playing Bells 10/13!
Support for 88.1FM WYCE comes from Bell's Beer in downtown Kalamazoo.
Keb' Mo'
Support for WYCE comes from Mercantile Bank.
At Mercantile Bank, supporting the communities they serve is a vital part of who they are.
Their team is focused on making a positive impact because when community and banking meet, Merc is here.
More information is at mercbank.com.