Michelle Shocked
Match Burns DubDeep Natural 2002 via Mighty Sound
Anything funky, greazy, groovy, or stanky. Also anything that's sweet, smooth, soars, or soothes. And everything else that twangs, buzzes, swings or moves. Bring your buzz, or not- but this is a show for those who listen deep into the music.
Harmonizing with herself. Tricky.
Did you know that half a million children in Michigan live in food insecure households?
More than 34,000 of those children live right here in West Michigan.
The only way we will realize a hunger-free community is by getting there together.
Kids' Food Basket is a food equity nonprofit supporting West Michigan kids and families by increasing access to healthy, nourishing meals.
More information at kids food basket dot org.
w/ Tom Cottone, drums
The West Michigan Gay Men's Chorus is proud to present their annual Winter Concert, happening on Sunday, December 10, at 2 PM at Fountain Street Church in downtown Grand Rapids.
The concert is open to the public, and no tickets required.
Donations in support of the West Michigan Gay Men's Chorus will be accepted.
More information is at wmgmchorus dot org or on Facebook under "West Michigan Gay Men's Chorus."
w/ Thom Doucette, harmonica
Circle Theatre is the only community theatre in West Michigan that specializes in summer theatre. Since 1953, Circle has continued to deliver high-quality summer theatre entertainment to audiences.
Through their Main Stage productions, family-friendly Magic Circle productions, and their Summer Concert Series, Circle Theatre has remained a place for the community to be entertained, challenged and inspired.
They are always looking to welcome more individuals to join their circle, whether it's as a performer, production staff, or a volunteer, they have a spot for you!
For more information on their upcoming shows or how to get involved, visit their website at circle theatre dot org.
GRTV invites community members of all ages to its annual Santa Show on Saturday, Dec. 7 at the historic Wealthy Theatre.