Ms Zeno The Mojo Queen
Call My NameBack In Love 2018 via Blue Lotus
Do-it-yourself TV, podcasting, and filmmaking start here at the Grand Rapids Community Media Center with GRTV!
GRTV's certification classes are now back in full swing, and they offer knowledge & access for makers of every skill level.
Class offerings include Intro to Video Production, Intro to Podcasting, Studio Production, and others
Once certified, GRCMC Members get free access to GRTV gear, available for checkout during business hours.
You can learn more at grtv dot org slash learn. (grtv.org/learn)
Disability Advocates works alongside persons with disabilities and helps them gain access to home, community, and employment through a wide range of programs.
Disability Advocates also provides home assessments for safety and independence, youth transition services such as career exploration, resume writing, and mock interviews for young adults with disabilities, and community assessments and education.
Disability Advocates mission is to provide access for all, regardless of ability.
More information on Disability Advocates is at www.dakc dot us (you-ess)
Are you a Michigan musician or know of a few talented artists?
The Land Conservancy of West Michigan works with the West Michigan community to permanently protect and care for nearby natural areas.
West Michigan Growers' Group is a 501c3 non-profit that seeks to support local, sustainable farming in West Michigan.
Hope for Single Moms is a local nonprofit organization that seeks to help lift single-mom families out of high-risk poverty situations, and helps them achieve financial self-sufficiency.
Hope for Single Moms invite you to join them in transforming families and giving children hope for a better future!
To learn more about how you can help to support Hope for Single Moms in Grand Rapids visit hsmgr dot org.