Liam Bailey
Cold & ClearEkundayo 2021 via Big Crown
Support for WYCE comes from Live Nation presenting La Dispute at GLC Live at 20 Monroe on September 28th.
Originally from Grand Rapids, La Dispute will be celebrating 10 years of their album "Rooms In The House."
Tickets and more information on La Dispute at GLC Live at 20 Monroe is at the box office and live nation dot com.
Do-it-yourself TV, podcasting, and filmmaking start here at the Grand Rapids Community Media Center with GRTV!
GRTV's certification classes are now back in full swing, and they offer knowledge & access for makers of every skill level.
Class offerings include Intro to Video Production, Intro to Podcasting, Studio Production, and others
Once certified, GRCMC Members get free access to GRTV gear, available for checkout during business hours.
You can learn more at grtv dot org slash learn. (grtv.org/learn)
Support for WYCE comes from Midtown GR presenting Andrea VonKampen on March 22nd.
Folk singer Songwriter Andrea VonKampen will be performing with support from Lydia Luce.
Tickets and more information on Andrea VonKampen at Midtown GR is available at the midtown gr dot com.
The Land Conservancy of West Michigan works with the West Michigan community to permanently protect and care for nearby natural areas.