Sharky - Memories Of Vortex (El Payo Remix)Shapes Collide (Compiled by Robert Luis) 2023 via Tru Thoughts
You can help support local journalism by joining The Rapidian on March 21st for a night of fun and fundraising at The Meanwhile Bar!
Do-it-yourself TV, podcasting, and filmmaking start here at the Grand Rapids Community Media Center with GRTV!
GRTV's certification classes are now back in full swing, and they offer knowledge & access for makers of every skill level.
Class offerings include Intro to Video Production, Intro to Podcasting, Studio Production, and others
Once certified, GRCMC Members get free access to GRTV gear, available for checkout during business hours.
You can learn more at grtv dot org slash learn. (grtv.org/learn)
Support for WYCE comes from the Grand Rapids Public Library...presenting Michigan author Jim *DuFresne (*doo' frain), for a discussion about his life and work, On Tuesday, March 26 at the main branch of the Grand Rapids Public Library, from 7-8pm.
Author Jim *DuFresne's (*doo' frain), talk is designed for those who love the outdoors, including hiking and backpacking tips from one of Michigan's experts.
The event is open to the public, and registration is available now at GRPL dot org forward slash "register."
Support for WYCE comes from The Kalamazoo State Theatre presenting The Mountain Goats on April 9th.
The Mountain Goats are an indie rock group that have been performing together for decades now.
They'll be on tour with their latest album, "Jenny From Thebes."
Tickets and more information for The Mountain Goats at The Kalamazoo State Theatre on April 9th are available at k a z o o state dot com.
Today, Turnstiles has their St Patrick's Day Celebration running until 10:30 pm, with live music from Fryish and Friends @11:30 pm
Sunday it's a St. Patrick's Day Jazz Jam Session from 2 to 5 pm!
Turnstiles hours, plus information on live music is at Turnstiles G R dot com
Revive & Thrive Project is a local non-profit organization that aims to nourish greater Grand Rapids, one meal at a time.
Since 2015, Revive & Thrive Project has served over 70,000 nutritious, home-delivered meals to individuals and families facing a health crisis in greater Grand Rapids.
Meals are provided with a focus on improving health outcomes, reducing healthcare costs, and creating a community of vital support.
To learn how you can support Revive & Thrive Project by serving as a volunteer or by making a financial donation, visit reviveandthriveproject dot org
Support for WYCE comes from The BOB... proud to present their Chilly Blues and Brews Annual Chili Cook-Off Competition and Live Blues Festival on Saturday, March 23, from noon to 4pm at The BOB.
The BOB's Chilly Blues and Brews will feature 40 chilis to sample and prizes for different entries.
There will be live music from Asamu Johnson & The Associates of Blues and Kathleen & The Bridge Street Band, plus a hot pepper eating contest.
More information about signing up for The BOBs Annual Chili Cook-Off Competition is at thebob dot com
Support for Acoustic Cafe's Radio Show and WYCE comes from St. Cecilia Music Center, home to the Acoustic Cafe Folk Concert Series in Grand Rapids.
Coming up on Thursday April 11th singer Marc Cohn returns to St. Cecilia Music Center.
Tickets for Marc Cohn and all other St. Cecilia Music Center shows are at scmcgr dot org.
Today, Turnstiles has their St Patrick's Day Celebration running until 10:30 pm, with live music from Fryish and Friends @11:30 pm
Sunday it's a St. Patrick's Day Jazz Jam Session from 2 to 5 pm!
Turnstiles hours, plus information on live music is at Turnstiles G R dot com
Are you a Michigan musician or know of a few talented artists?
Support for WYCE comes from The BOB... proud to present their Chilly Blues and Brews Annual Chili Cook-Off Competition and Live Blues Festival on Saturday, March 23, from noon to 4pm at The BOB.
The BOB's Chilly Blues and Brews will feature 40 chilis to sample and prizes for different entries.
There will be live music from Asamu Johnson & The Associates of Blues and Kathleen & The Bridge Street Band, plus a hot pepper eating contest.
More information about signing up for The BOBs Annual Chili Cook-Off Competition is at thebob dot com