Little Simz
Broken (Clean)NO THANK YOU 2022 via Forever Living Originals
JWo, for your listening pleasure, Tuesdays 3-6p & whenever; music for head, heart, & soul.
Play Concert Calendar
MI Music!
Support today on WYCE comes from Tiger Solar, a solar contractor designing renewable energy systems serving Grand Rapids, and managed and staffed by professionals familiar with the region and its people.
TigerSolar's installers can walk customers through designing a custom system and continue to service it.
MI Music!
Support for WYCE comes from St. Cecilia Music Center.
St. Cecilia Music Center is the proud home of the Acoustic Café Folk Series here in Grand Rapids featuring renowned singer/songwriters, Americana bands, bluegrass and more.
St. Cecilia Music Center invites you to stay tuned for the fall line up at scmcgr dot org.
Support for WYCE comes from First Steps Kent.
The Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage provides dedicated funding for programs that improve the health, school readiness, and well-being of children five and younger.
In 2022, Ready by Five served more than twelve thousand young children in Kent County. Thousands more were supported with information about early childhood.
More information about The Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage is at first steps kent dot org.
This message was paid for with regulated funds by Yes Ready by Five.
Support today on WYCE comes from Tiger Solar, a solar contractor designing renewable energy systems serving Grand Rapids, and managed and staffed by professionals familiar with the region and its people.
TigerSolar's installers can walk customers through designing a custom system and continue to service it.
Dinah Washington
MI Music!
Support for WYCE comes from Bell's Beer in downtown Kalamazoo.
Bells Eccentric Cafe welcomes Alejandro Escovedo with support from James Mastro on Friday, April 19th at 8 p.m.
More information for this 18 and up show is available at Bells-Beer-dot-com.
Support for WYCE comes from First Steps Kent.
The Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage provides dedicated funding for programs that improve the health, school readiness, and well-being of children five and younger.
In 2022, Ready by Five served more than twelve thousand young children in Kent County. Thousands more were supported with information about early childhood.
More information about The Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage is at first steps kent dot org.
This message was paid for with regulated funds by Yes Ready by Five.
Support today on WYCE comes from Tiger Solar, a solar contractor designing renewable energy systems serving Grand Rapids, and managed and staffed by professionals familiar with the region and its people.
TigerSolar's installers can walk customers through designing a custom system and continue to service it.
Playing Bell's in Kzoo 7/31!