HypnotistPast Life Regression 2022 via Slumberland
Support for WYCE is provided by Ferris Coffee - a local coffee roaster in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Ferris Coffee is Celebrating its 100th birthday this year and is on a mission to create moments of joy through its specialty products.
More information about their coffee and the people behind it is available at ferris coffee dot com
Have you ever wondered what you can do to pay it forward and make sure WYCE Radio is here for your kids and grandkids to enjoy?
In addition to your generous continuing support for WYCE while you're still with us, please consider including a financial gift to WYCE in your estate plan.
If you haven't already, we encourage you to consult with your estate planning attorney about the benefits of leaving a gift to support WYCE.
If you don't have an estate planning attorney, don't hesitate to contact Station Manager Phil Tower(phil@grcmc.org) for our trusted recommendations.
The Grand Rapids Food Truck Association (GRFTA), supported by the City of Grand Rapids Office of Special Events, Downtown Grand Rapids Inc., and other sponsors, will host the 6th annual Roll'N Out Food Truck Fest on Sunday, May 19 on Ottawa Avenue, Calder Plaza and Lyon Street between Ottawa and Ionia avenues.
The Roll'N Out Food Truck Fest is open to the public and runs from 11 am to 8 pm and features 33 mobile food businesses, a beverage tent, Artisan Market, stage entertainment
from Trixy Tang, picnic areas, and more.
Roll'N Out Food Truck Fest celebrates the official kick-off to Food Truck season in Grand Rapids.
More information is available online at foodtrucksgr dot com
The Saugatuck Center For The Arts will be kicking off summer with their annual Jump Into Summer fest on June 7th.
Doors open at 5 p.m. with hands-on activities led by professional artists.
Music starts at 6 p.m., with performances from Aaron James Wright and headliner Joe Hertler & The Rainbow Seekers.
There will also be yard games, family-friendly activities and more.
SC4A's Jump Into Summer is open the public and all ages, more information is at S-C-4-A dot org.
The mission of the Stock Bridge Business Association is to connect local businesses with the community, support business growth and development, and honor the history and culture of Grand Rapids' West Side.
The Stock Bridge Business Association envisions a future where all are welcomed and honored for who they are and how they connect within the community, regardless of if they own a business or not.
If you want to know what's happening in the Bridge Street neighborhood, The Stock Bridge Business Association offers a way to connect and hear directly from business owners and representatives.
For more information, visit stockbridgegr dot com.
Circle Theatre is the only community theatre in West Michigan that specializes in summer theatre. Since 1953, Circle has continued to deliver high-quality summer theatre entertainment to audiences.
Through their Main Stage productions, family-friendly Magic Circle productions, and their Summer Concert Series, Circle Theatre has remained a place for the community to be entertained, challenged and inspired.
They are always looking to welcome more individuals to join their circle, whether it's as a performer, production staff, or a volunteer, they have a spot for you!
For more information on their upcoming shows or how to get involved, visit their website at circle theatre dot org.