Evan Nicole Bell
Catfish BluesRunaway Girl 2024 via Hummingbird
WYCE is now accepting used record donations for our annual Record and CD Sale at the Eastown Street fair on Saturday, September 7th.
Donations of LPs and 45s can be dropped off at the Community Media Center on 711 Bridge street Northwest, between 10 AM and 6 PM, Monday through Friday.
All proceeds raised go towards supporting West Michigan's only volunteer-powered, independent community radio station.
For more information on donating your used vinyl to WYCE contact Operations Manager Scott Winters at scott@grcmc.org
WYCE encourages you to tune in on Wednesday night, July 3 from 6-9pm for Captain Kurt's annual "All Covers Show."
Support for WYCE comes from Tiger Solar, a solar contractor designing renewable energy systems serving Grand Rapids, and managed and staffed by professionals familiar with the region and its people.
Their installers can walk customers through designing a custom system and continue to service it.
Did you know that half a million children in Michigan live in food insecure households?
More than 34,000 of those children live right here in West Michigan.
The only way we will realize a hunger-free community is by getting there together.
Kids' Food Basket is a food equity nonprofit supporting West Michigan kids and families by increasing access to healthy, nourishing meals.
More information at kids food basket dot org.
Support for WYCE comes from Midtown GR presenting Black Joe Lewis and The Honeybears on July 11th.
WYCE encourages you to tune in on Wednesday night, July 3 from 6-9pm for Captain Kurt's annual "All Covers Show."
Support for WYCE comes from Tiger Solar, a solar contractor designing renewable energy systems serving Grand Rapids, and managed and staffed by professionals familiar with the region and its people.
Their installers can walk customers through designing a custom system and continue to service it.
Support for WYCE comes from the Destination Kent Committee.
On August 6th, Kent County will vote on the Lodging Tax Proposal to increase the lodging tax from five to eight percent on hotel/motel stays.
More information on the impacts of the lodging tax and how such revenue would be used can be found at yesdestinationkent.org.
This message was paid for with regulated funds by the Destination Kent Committee.
WYCE encourages you to tune in on Wednesday night, July 3 from 6-9pm for Captain Kurt's annual "All Covers Show."
Support for WYCE comes from Tiger Solar, a solar contractor designing renewable energy systems serving Grand Rapids, and managed and staffed by professionals familiar with the region and its people.
Their installers can walk customers through designing a custom system and continue to service it.