DominoJunior 2019 via Sub Pop
You will hear from the genres that have a place in my heart; folk, hip hop, punk, rock n roll, and soul. I will swirl in anything new that catches my attention. I love a good soundtrack/compilation. I am finding lots of artists from my teen years that I forgot about in our expansive WYCE music library, so there will definitely be songs from the 90s popping up!
Join WYCE in recognizing Pride Month.
The City of Grand Rapids, in partnership with Priority Health and Downtown Grand Rapids Inc., is hosting another summer of free outdoor fitness in parks and public spaces across the city.
The city offers 16 dance, cardio, and yoga classes that will run weekly from now until August 22nd.
These fitness classes will be held weekly, Monday through Thursday, and are free of charge; no registration is required.
Cancellations due to weather will be announced on the City of Grand Rapids Parks and Recreation Facebook page.
More information is available on the city of Grand Rapids website at grandrapidsmi dot gov
Support for WYCE comes from the Grand Rapids Public Library...where readers of all ages can sign up for the Grand Rapids Summer Reading Challenge!
Summer Reading Challenge passports are available at any Grand Rapids Public Library location.
Participation is open to the public and does not require a library card.
More information is at grpl.org slash summer reading
Support for WYCE comes from Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University.
Kendall College of Art and Design features a variety of exhibitions showcasing work from students, faculty, staff, and professional artists and designers in the community.
These exhibitions are open to the public Monday through Saturday.
More information is at K-C-A-D dot E-D-U
Support for WYCE comes from the Grand Rapids Public Library...where readers of all ages can sign up for the Grand Rapids Summer Reading Challenge!
Summer Reading Challenge passports are available at any Grand Rapids Public Library location.
Participation is open to the public and does not require a library card.
More information is at grpl.org slash summer reading
The mission of the Stock Bridge Business Association is to connect local businesses with the community, support business growth and development, and honor the history and culture of Grand Rapids' West Side.
The Stock Bridge Business Association envisions a future where all are welcomed and honored for who they are and how they connect within the community, regardless of if they own a business or not.
If you want to know what's happening in the Bridge Street neighborhood, The Stock Bridge Business Association offers a way to connect and hear directly from business owners and representatives.
For more information, visit stockbridgegr dot com.
Join WYCE in recognizing Pride Month.