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Playlist from 12/14/2007 @ 11:00am

view other shifts on 12/14/2007
all tracks listed in reverse chronological order

Craic Wisely

The Night That Paddy Murphy Died
Live Wisely 2005 via na
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Played in the background during the Concert Calendar...


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11:40 am

Gene Pokorny

Flute Sonata in G Major
Pokorny: Tuba Tracks
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Canadian Brass

The Saint's Halleluja (trad./Handel)
The Essential Canadian Brass
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Karen Dunnam

A look at a unique holiday musical event for low-brass instruments and the people who love them
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Sunday December 16, Royce Auditorium, St. Cecilia Music Center, downtown Grand Rapids. Registration & Brunch: 11am, Walk-in rehearsal: Noon, Performance: 2pm. Free to watch, $5 to participate. More details at (Segment 07:00)

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Listener-Contributed Content

How you can (and should) get involved with Local Resonance... -- click on Get Involved on the left!
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In the next segment of Local Resonance, we'll hear stories from several people in the community -- all with some kind of musical message to share. One thing you'll hear in all of these segments -- one thing I WISH YOU DIDN'T HEAR -- is my voice. We should be hearing YOUR voice instead. If you're listening to this right now, we want your help. We want you to hit the streets with a microphone. We want you to find the up-and-coming artists. We want you to create the behind-the-scenes looks into West Michigan's music scene. We want YOU to make this a true COMMUNITY radio show. Go to to find out how to get involved. For now, just have a listen and think of how cool YOU could have made the following segments... (01:30)

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11:20 am

Southpaw Players

The Slope
Spar City 2007 via Independent
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Ultraviolet Hippopotamus

North Coast
Live at Czar's 505 (St. Joe, MI)
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The Chinese People

Local Resonance Theme
Unknown album
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11:00 am