Craic Wisely
The Night That Paddy Murphy DiedLive Wisely 2005 via na
a note about this track
Played in the background during the Concert Calendar...
Played in the background during the Concert Calendar...
Sunday December 16, Royce Auditorium, St. Cecilia Music Center, downtown Grand Rapids. Registration & Brunch: 11am, Walk-in rehearsal: Noon, Performance: 2pm. Free to watch, $5 to participate. More details at tubachristmas.com. (Segment 07:00)
In the next segment of Local Resonance, we'll hear stories from several people in the community -- all with some kind of musical message to share. One thing you'll hear in all of these segments -- one thing I WISH YOU DIDN'T HEAR -- is my voice. We should be hearing YOUR voice instead. If you're listening to this right now, we want your help. We want you to hit the streets with a microphone. We want you to find the up-and-coming artists. We want you to create the behind-the-scenes looks into West Michigan's music scene. We want YOU to make this a true COMMUNITY radio show. Go to WYCE.org/local to find out how to get involved. For now, just have a listen and think of how cool YOU could have made the following segments... (01:30)