Christine Lavin
If We Had No MoonThe Subway Series 2001 via Christine Lavin
Songs should make you think/feel/move your body. I try to make each show distinctive, which means not relying on the same artists time after time. You're going to hear as many women's voices as men on my show because a) I love female vocalists and b) many commercial radio stations play very few female singers.
This is the man who wrote "Jet Airliner," which Steve Miller made famous. He was the subject of a documentary called "Genghis Blues," which chronicles his journey to Tuva, a remote part of Russia just north of Mongolia, where he competed in a throat-singing competition. Tuvan throat singing involves producing two notes at the same time, and Pena learned it on his own by listening to shortwave broadcasts from Russia.
"Milla" is Milla Jovovich, model, actress, and musician - a triple threat!