ASIFA created the International Animation Day (IAD) in 2002, honoring the birth of animation, recognized as the first public performance of projected moving images: Emile Reynaud’s Theatre Optique in Paris, on the 28th October 1892.
ASIFA coordinates and helps promote IAD celebrations all over the world, putting the art of animation in the limelight in a global worldwide celebration of animation.
In Grand Rapids, IAD will be celebrated by the local ASIFA chapter and the GRCMC Education Department on Oct. 26 at SITE:LAB at the Tanglefoot bulding, part of ArtPrize Project One.
The local program will be a preview of work from past International Animation Day screenings, as well as a showcase of ASIFA Central animators including Deanna Morse, Brad Yarhouse, Julie Goldstein, Jim Middleton as well as projects from the Community Media Center directed by Gretchen Vinnedge. Animation techniques will be demystified via an interactive presentation station.
Sat. Oct. 26 3 - 6pm
SITE:LAB Tanglefoot
314 Straight Ave. SW (North Side)
Grand Rapids, MI 49504