This is some fine dirty rock and roll. The Rolling Stones attitude meets Cracker's cynisism, all rolled into a Brian Jonestown Massacre tortilla. This album offers the listener some soul, some drugs, some good times before you go. Rock your soul to a better place is what this gang of Brooklynites intends to do. With a listen or two to this record, you're going to feel that warm feeling inside. This band teeters the line of being between New York Dolls at their most gnarly and sneering, Lou Reed during his more druggy days, Spacemen 3 after 30 weeks on the road and some valium, and occasionally can evoke some Jerry Garcia with their guitar lines and get near Dylan with some lyrical dips. Not bad musical references for this green bearded bunch of Brooklyn hippies, for this is, after all their debut. Good job boys. Come to Grand Rapids. -Oliver Standouts : Almost all of them.THE DETROIT COBRAS
The Dears
Gang Of Losers
Roadside Flowers
Hugh Cornwell
The Fall And Rise of Hugh Cornwell
Live: Courage & Courage & Patience & Grit
Garden Ruin
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.