This is a live album that shows Greg Brown’s talents to the full extent. His amazing song writing and conscious political views are presented within his mixture of original and cover tunes. This is a great listen for those who know MI, especially the U.P. and care about the nature that is being exposed there. Check out tracks 2 “Cold + Dark + Wet”, track 4 “Better Days”, track 6 “Oily Boys”, and the bonus last track which a young girl sings a Greg Brown cover. *track 4 “Better Days” contains word ‘bastard’ *track 6 “Oily Boys” contains swear word (bullshit) Reviews by Lane ZoerhofELVIS PERKINS
Elvis Perkins in Dearland
Mike Blakely
Sirens of the Ditch
Smile...it Confuses People
Rev. Billy C Wirtz Featuring The Nighthawks
Full Circle
Boy & Bear
Limit Of Love
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.