This is the second effort from this 40 year old from Los Angles California & it is amazing the similarities you can hear between Renee & Sarah McLachlen. If you close your eyes & listen you would believe you were listing to Sarah at the peak of her career. This is a CD that should be filling the background of Coffee houses around the nation. It is Melodic Folk-Pop at some of it’s finest. If your mood is for music that will sooth & make you feel good around the fireplace, snuggle up with this hopeful, romantic. Reviewed By: Gregg SaurPeter Himmelman
Mision of My Soul: The Best of
Various Artists
A Tribute to Joni Mitchell
The Eighteenth Day of May
The Eighteenth Day of May
Travel Songs
Various Artists
Our Side of Town: A Red House Records 25th Anniversary Collection
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.