Neil Young

Chrome Dreams ll


Ever since Neil Young hit the rock n roll spotlight back in the mid sixties with Buffalo Springfield, he's been writing songs that have a lot to say. Emotionally as well as socially. With the release of Neil's umpteenth album, chrome dreams ll, he shows that he's at the top of his game. From the opening notes of the Neil Young signature harmonica sound on the album first track, Beautiful Bluebird, Neil sets in motion a collection of songs that appeals to his spirit as an artist. His large canvas and multi color pallet paints an abstract from country ballad to New Orleans jazz. On the extended track Ordinary People, Neil blends his arrangement of horns along side the rough saw lead guitar solo, the Neil Young fans have come to know and love. The nostalgia of this album is not lost. With essence of Harvest too Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, Neil, stays true to his roots while keeping fresh the inspiration of his work. Slip

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