Ripe is the first full length album from this Virginia based bluegrass group. With fast paced songs like "The Bugs In The Basement" and "Old Charlie Cross," mixed in slow heartfelt songs "She's My Angel" and "Lost In The Silence" The Dixie Bee-Liners show off their verstility and range. "Lord, Lay Down My Ball and Chain" is featured in the movie American Shopper. "Why Do I Make You Cry" is the best song on the album with a mix of pop and folk that is accompanied perfectly by Brandi Hart's voice and is a must play. Jerrod WilleaVarious Artists
A Tribute to Joni Mitchell
Alright Dynamite
The Ol' Razzle Dazzle
Various Artists
Our Side of Town: A Red House Records 25th Anniversary Collection
Urban Acoustic Coalition
The Habit
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