In the mid-1990s, Spady was going to be the next big thing in blues when he released his first cd. However, this being the blues he ran into trouble and when he got dropped no other blues-oriented label would give him a chance. Enter Severn Records and ‘Just Between Us’ becomes Spady's second recording 10 years after his debut. This cd has a retro/soul sound that I really enjoy. There is the after dark "I'll Never Sell You Out," the funky "Enough of You" to get us started. Adding ballads like "Just Between Us" and "Be Your Enough" gives Clarence’s skills as a songwriter and guitarist a chance to rise above. This is good blues music for the 21st century - spirited, stylish, and proud of its roots. - Anne LamontDAMON FOWLER
Mel Brown
Under Yonder: Mel Brown Live At Pop The Gator 1991
Debbie Bond
Enjoy The Ride
Ill Disposition
Jimmy Carpenter
Toiling in Obscurity
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