Sally Dworsky



Dworsky has a lilting voice and her delicate, simple songs about loss don't weigh too heavily on the listener. She springs easily from note to note (“Boxes”, ”As the Snow”, “River of Love”, ”Rise”), but she sways too (“Slow”, ”Changing Everything”). Or combines these deliveries (“Breaking”, “My Home”). But Boxes isn't dainty or fluffy as Dworsky remains vulnerable throughout, and this intimacy keeps her album well grounded. All but one song hover around three and a half minutes, but every one is a sweet and honest few puffs of breath. - Michael Loffelman

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Compiled by the WYCE Journalism Club

The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.