Jaymay's Autumn fallin is exactly that. An fallin autumn adventure throughout the seasons around. With only the beauty of Jaymay's guitar, voice, and zilaphone here and there is a pure folk essesce. By performing everything on Autumn Fallin, this is 100% Jaymay in every way. Autumn Fallin, is this New York Natiives first full length album. Autumn Fallin', a song cycle that vividly details the story of a New York City relationship gone south for the winter. A truely beautiful piece of work best listened through as a complete whole. – Joe ParsacaSPARKLEHORSE
Chest Full of Dying Hawks
Eddi Reader
Sings the Songs of Robert Burns
Laura Cantrell
No Way There From Here
Rally at the Texas Hotel
Long Journey Home
Mark Heyes
Outrun The Law
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.